
#shop-chicken-fajita-pasta #kraftrecipemakers

Chicken Fajita Pasta | quick family meals

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#shop Chicken Fajita Pasta #kraftrecipemakers

Chicken Fajita Pasta is a healthy and quick family meal made delicious using a Kraft Recipe Makers meal kit!  

After a long day of  juggling two kids, their activities, naps (or no naps), the big question is ‘what’s for dinner tonight?’  While we often have big ideas of recipes to try, what we really end up needing is a quick, easy meal.  We want something healthy too.  This Chicken Fajita Pasta is just that – healthy, easy and delicious!  It is made with fresh chicken, vegetables, cheese and a delicious sauce, which is actually my new secret weapon.  This little secret of mine is Kraft Recipe Makers!

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